Introduction Meditation: Forty Days to Inner Spiritual Strength

Introduction Meditation: Forty Days to Inner Spiritual Strength

Introduction Meditation: Forty Days to Inner Spiritual Strength

Introduction Meditation into the Grace of God will bring you into a biblical concept of meditation in the Word.


When God called Moses to the top of Mount Sinai, tables of stone with commandments were given to him that he might teach the people.  The Children of Israel saw the glory of God as a devouring fire on top of the mountain.  Moses was in the midst of the cloud for forty days receiving new direction for the people of God.

When the word of the Lord came to Jonah to go to Nineveh, he preached a simple message, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown” (Jonah 3:4).  The people believed God and proclaimed a fast: “Let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and cry mightily unto God: yea, let them turn everyone from his evil way . . . .”  For forty days, they repented and God saved the city.

Introduction Meditation in the Grace of God can lead you to  conquer temptation successfully.

In the beginning of the ministry of Jesus, he was led of the Spirit into the wilderness.  Once there, he was tempted to satisfy his hunger in his own power.  He was tempted to establish his kingdom by forsaking his heavenly Father.  He was tempted to achieve his own end by manipulating God.  For forty days he successfully conquered those temptations and came out of the wilderness in the power of the Spirit (Luke 4:14).

Jesus had been crucified, buried, and raised again to life.  After his passion, he showed himself alive to his disciples.  He gave commandments to his followers.  He spoke of things pertaining to the kingdom of God.  Putting the final emphasis upon his earthly journey, he gathered together his followers. Forty days after his death and resurrection, he was taken up to dwell at the right hand of his Father.

Introduction Meditation in the Grace of God is a set time to establish the quality of your life.

Forty days seems to be a set time for the process of trying the character or abilities of a person or of a people in a certain role or task.  It was a time where a series of events occurred intended to establish the quality, performance or reliability of those being tested.  It was a time where the participant was molded into what he was to become.

Introduction meditations in the Grace of God has been developed to assist you in becoming what you were intended to be.  It must be stated from the beginning that the process of being molded into the image of Jesus Christ is a work of the Holy Spirit.  Specifically, the Spirit is the means by which the revelation of Jesus Christ occurs in your life.  It is the interplay of the Word of God and the Spirit of God that develops spiritual strength in those who hunger for God.  Morning Meditation Grace of god  can provide an opportunity for you to be molded by the Holy Spirit.

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Dr. James Stone is the founder and President of Christian Ministries, Inc., a ministry for personal, family, and church growth. He travels extensively across America and several foreign countries sharing his experiences with Jesus. His over 40 year career in ministry has included individual counseling, family counseling, church pastor, Bible college/seminary professorships, leader of revivals, Christian growth seminars & church growth specialist.

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