Day 5: Flesh Vs Spirit – The Battleground of Grace

Day 5: Flesh Vs Spirit – The Battleground of Grace

Day 5: Flesh Vs Spirit – The Battleground of Grace

Day 5 meditation brings the focus to the battleground of grace, the struggle of flesh versus spirit.

Most Christians would readily agree that the struggle of Christianity is the struggle of the flesh versus the Spirit. However, the truth of their lives and the life of the visible Church also readily demonstrates that for the most part this struggle is largely misunderstood. Instead of living in the power of the Spirit, “Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and longsuffering with joyfulness” (Col. 1:11), many believers are dominated by some manifestation of the works of the flesh (Gal. 5:19). Failing to live in the abundant life of the Spirit, far too many Christians struggle with the flesh.

Day 5 meditation is the understanding of the contrast of flesh versus Spirit.

The key to Spirit-living and understanding the contrast of flesh versus Spirit is the fifth chapter of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. In fact, there are three powerful contrasts contained in that chapter: bondage/liberty; flesh/Spirit; and fruit of the flesh/fruit of the Spirit. The bondage of the flesh produces a manifest of death and dying. The liberty of the Spirit produces a manifest of life and living. The fruit of the flesh produces death and dying, but the fruit of the Spirit produces life and living. The battleground of the Christian is the struggle of flesh versus the Spirit but in a way that most Christians do not perceive.

Paul begins his admonition to the Galatians with “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage” (Gal. 5:1). What is this liberty? It is not a liberty to do as one pleases, a liberty to live unrighteous. It is a liberty, a liberty for the first time, where the believer can see in his life what he ought to see. It is a liberty from the law of sin and death. It is a liberty from the moral imperfections that bring gloom, despair, and agony to the believer.


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Dr. James Stone is the founder and President of Christian Ministries, Inc., a ministry for personal, family, and church growth. He travels extensively across America and several foreign countries sharing his experiences with Jesus. His over 40 year career in ministry has included individual counseling, family counseling, church pastor, Bible college/seminary professorships, leader of revivals, Christian growth seminars & church growth specialist.

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