Statement Of Faith

Statement Of Faith

We believe in one God, revealed to man in Trinitarian existence as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

We believe in the revelation of God, through the Son of God, incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, totally God and totally man, as recorded in the infallible Word of God.

We believe in the depravity of man as a result of his rejection of God, thereby, producing the need for salvation through the atoning death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, wrought in the life of the believer by the Holy Spirit.



Christian Ministries, Inc. is an independent nonprofit corporation managed by a Board of Directors for Christian discipleship (the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ for personal, family, and church growth).

The purposes of Christian Ministries are exclusively charitable within the meaning of Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and for the purpose of engaging in any lawful act or activity permitted by said Code Section.


Mission Statement

Christian Ministries provides the opportunity for interaction with the gospel of Jesus Christ to enable all men freedom in the grace of God.


Clarification of the Mission Statement

At any given moment of time, in the struggle of life, man will live either in the power of Jesus Christ (the manifestation of the grace of God) or in the perceived power of his own self (the frustration of the grace of God). Life is never static. The possibility of man moving from the manifestation of the grace of God to the frustration of the grace of God and back to the manifestation of grace of God can be as frequent as the number of the moments in a day (86,400). Although most men are not that double-minded, the Word reveals, as well as the testimony of one’s life, that most men do move back and forth between the manifestation and the frustration of the grace of God. Jesus Christ is the only man that never frustrated the grace of His Father.

The following diagrams represents a composite picture of the daily life of man. Like a computer image, a picture, (which is made up of many thousands of pixels [a minute spot] and although each distinct pixel can only be what it is, they together form a composite picture when all are seen together), the following composite picture of man’s daily walk, which is also made up of many moments, can reflect the life of the manifestation or the frustration of the grace of God in our daily walk.

Thus, Christian Ministries exists solely to help all men experience the fullness of the manifestation of Christ in their life.

All Jesus Much Jesus Some Jesus Little Jesus No Jesus
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No James Little James Some James Much James All James


of Grace 
of Grace
of Grace
of Grace
of Grace
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of Grace
of Grace
of Grace
of Grace
of Grace