Letters of Peter: Loving Life and Seeing Goods Days

Letters of Peter: Loving Life and Seeing Goods Days

Letters of Peter: Loving Life and Seeing Goods Days


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Letters of Peter address the basic issues of life. Every person, at some point in life, raises the ageless questions.

“What is life really all about?”

“Where can the essence of true living be found?”

“How does one experience the good life?”

The quest for the meaning of life seems to be embedded within what it means to be a human being.  Peter simply summarized that the essence of life is found in “he that will love life, and see good days.”  Then, he proclaims that this loving life and seeing good days is the promise of being “heirs together of the grace of life.”  Letters of Peter reveals the mystery of letting Jesus flow through you into the lives of others by the grace of God.

Letters of Peter reveals the challenge of human existence.

 If a bird flies in the air and a fish swims in the water, what does a human being do and where?

Also, how does the person do this “what” and “where?”

Contained in these three simple questions, the what, the where, and the how, lie the mystery of loving life and seeing good days for every individual. To be is the challenge of the human existence.

Every person, at some point in life, raises the ageless questions.

“What is life really all about?”

“Where can the essence of true living be found?”

“How does one experience the good life?”

It seems embedded within the framework of what it means to be a human being is the quest for the meaning of life.

The letters of Peter profoundly address those same inquiries. He summarized,

For he that will love life, and see good days, let him refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no guile: Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and ensue it. For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil” (1 Peter 3:10-12).

Within these statements, the mystery of the meaning of life can be found.

Letter of Peter discuss the basic truth of life.

The essence of the letters of Peter has as its foundation the ancient covenant between God and man. The descendants of Abraham, father of the faithful, were to live out their lives in the knowledge of God’s covenant with them:

I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great, and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” (Gen. 12:2,3).

To understand the intricacies of this covenant is to understand the simplicity of life. Although it seems to be clothed in mystery because so few enjoy the blessing, the covenant is, nevertheless, forthright in its proclamation of the essence of loving life and seeing good days.

Unfortunately, most people, including much of modern Christianity, struggle with the basic truth of life. They never seem to get past the simple, yet profound, challenge of grace and its revelation. The grace of God appears to be bestowed consistently in vain. Most people frustrate the grace of God that produces the complete, affirming, strong, and settled life by their own attempt to produce that life themselves. They are their own worst enemy.

Letters of Peter also reveals the mystery of relationships.

Moreover, the basic formation of one’s existence is inevitably in the context of relationships. The individual person attempting to live in his perceived independence will resist the process by which life is always experienced. For any man to experience the life he desires, he must be drawn out from behind the barriers he has created for his self preservation.

Fearing rejection, he has hidden the real essence of himself. He has entered into relationships, but usually only for his perceived needs. He seldom, if ever, experiences the perfecting supernatural relationship of love. He does not understand being “heirs together of the grace of life.”

Letters of Peter proclaims the power of lives that exist in innocence.

Finally, the simple truth of all creatures seems to be hidden to most people. Creation tells the same story over and over again: spring comes out of winter, sunrise comes out of midnight, and the bloom of the rose comes out of the planting of the seed.

Since life requires death in the created world, the mind of man, and only the mind of man, can and will resist the seed-times of his life. The glory of the harvest, however, will come only for man when his mind lives its existence in innocence. Refusing to attempt to control the times and the seasons of life, the “just” live in their faith of the covenant of God.

Loving life and seeing good days are always the product of the workings of the Holy Spirit as man experiences the what, the where, and the how of life. The letters of Peter consistently proclaim these three noble truths of what it means to be a human being–what it means to be a Christian.

Loving life and seeing good days are always in, by, and through the grace of God.

Loving life and seeing good days are always in, by, and through the interaction of relationships.

Loving life and seeing good days are always in, by, and through the innocence of mind. Peter declared that each of us are “heirs together of the grace of life.”

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