Experiencing the Good Life: Prison Epistles of Paul
$15.00 – $45.00
Experiencing the good life? Caught in a dead end job; trapped in an abusive relationship; prisoner to a physical or mental handicap; or, it may be as simple as the current circumstances seem to be stacked against you. At one time or another, we all find ourselves behind prison bars, things over which we have no control
Paul finding himself in just such circumstances was able to write powerful, positive letters to individuals and to churches expounding the glory of being a Christian. What was the secret of Paul that enabled him to say, “. . . I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content”(Phil. 4:11)
You, too, can be empowered by the grace of God to not let any circumstance master you. Nothing can harm you unless you first form the opinion in your mind that you have been harmed. You can learn to withstand which will enable you to stand against any adverse condition that you might encounter.
Experiencing the good life does not hinge upon physical circumstances.
Paul was a prisoner in Rome, bound with chains, and facing the stigma of being a common criminal (2 Tim. 2:9). It seems that his life was a constant mixture of troubles, perplexities, persecutions, and humiliations (2. Cor. 11:23-27). If negative physical circumstances were to be the measure of his serenity and joy, he would have none. Yet, he wrote powerful, positive letters to individuals and to churches expounding the glory of being a Christian. Amazingly, although Paul was in prison, he experienced the good life from behind prison bars.
Is the contented life determined by the flesh and blood circumstances of the physical world–including the trying circumstances of the perils of Paul? Or, does the contented life originate in the spiritual, heavenly realm — regardless of the physical circumstances in which one might find oneself? Paul knew that the warfare for the good life was not in the circumstances in which he found himself, but it was in his mind (Eph. 4:17-20).
Experiencing the good life is a mystery that has been revealed.
Because Paul was made strong in the Lord being invested with the armor of God, he was not going to fall prey to the cunning devices of his own mind. Empowered by the grace of God, he was not going to let any circumstance have mastery over him. He knew bondage would come if he first let anything have the privilege to control his life other than Jesus. There is no mystery in spiritual warfare — the carnal mind is enmity against God (Rom. 8:9).
The mystery is in the gospel–how God can produce the good life regardless of the circumstances. In the current circumstances of which I find myself, am I an ambassador of the earthly domain (gloom, despair and agony from the circumstances). Or, am I an ambassador of the heavenly domain (peace, joy, and a sense of justice from the Spirit controlled mind)?
Paul was in prison, yet he experienced the good life from behind prison bars. The secret of Paul being able to say, “. . . I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content” (Phil. 4:11) is found in the simple truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Regardless of the physical circumstance, Jesus will come down to you to lift you up and make you more than you can be.
Experiencing the good life can be a reality for you.
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