Basic Bible Beliefs of Fundamental Christianity

Basic Bible Beliefs of Fundamental Christianity

Basic Bible Beliefs of Fundamental Christianity


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Basic Bible Beliefs is designed to let the words of Jesus (John 6:63), as he spoke in his journeys throughout Israel, reveal the major doctrines of basic Christianity.

Basic Bible Beliefs examines the seven major tenets of Christianity.

Jesus can be seen as the word, the Christ, the person, the life, and the resurrection. It is Christology.

You can come to know Jesus as the illuminator, the revelation, the knowledge, the oneness, and the expression of God the Father. It is Theology Proper.

You will be able to recognize Jesus as he is manifested, revealed, indwells, baptizes, and returns in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is Pneumatology.

The words of Jesus also reveal an understanding of man, salvation, the church, and the end-time. It is Anthropology.

Jesus can be seen as the image of man, the image of the soul, the image of perfection, and the image of life. It is Soteriology.

By listening to Jesus, you will be able to comprehend the need of salvation and see him as the object, the power, and the baptism of salvation. It is Ecclesiology.

Ultimately, Jesus becomes the glorious, the triumphant, and the governing church. Jesus is all in all–the coming kingdom of God, the day of the Lord, and the coming of Christ. It is Eschatology.

Basic Bible beliefs are fundamental.

They are the elementary truths of Christianity (John 14:6). They are an attempt to give the foundational blocks on which the Christian faith rests. Basic Bible Beliefs does not claim to be exhaustive nor the final word on the revelation of God.

Basic Bible beliefs are Biblical.

The revelation of God that has come down to us today in what we know as the Bible. It serves as the qualifier of all that is believed. It is the words of Jesus recorded in the gospels that are accepted as the standard-bearer for all Christian beliefs. Although it is impossible to remove man totally from being a part of the equation in his understanding of the words of Jesus, Basic Bible Beliefs attempts to let the words of Jesus speak for themselves (John 6:68).

Basic Bible Beliefs are creedal.

They are not creedal in the sense of becoming a dogma by which man can attempt to measure or to live his life. They are creedal in that they are only what has come to be believed at this point of understanding.

If you desire the entire Basic Bible Beliefs study course, which contains 29 recordings and a 192 workbook, please click the above Bible Study Course tab.

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