

  • Overcome Troubling Circumstances: the Promise of the Grace of God

    Overcome troubling circumstances is the promise to every believer in Jesus Christ even in the midst of the disturbing circumstance. PAUL’S PROSPERITY IN TROUBLING CIRCUMSTANCES: THE OUTWORKING OF GRACE In the opening statements of the letter to the Romans, Paul prays a powerful, positive prayer that reveals tremendous insights into the life and character of the apostle. The answer to

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  • Amazing Grace: the Message of Paul’s Letters in the New Testament

    Amazing grace is the message of Paul’s letters in the New Testament. In the great revivals at the turn of the twentieth century, the phrase “full gospel” evolved to become almost synonymous with the Pentecostal movement. Although the distinct definition of the phrase largely depended upon the individual or group of saints who used it to identify their particular theology,

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  • Genesis 3: Revelation of Final Act of Creation, the School of Life

    Genesis 3 is the revelation of the final act of creation for man. All of life is a school in which the Schoolmaster brings his charge to many glorious moments of graduations into the realized kingdom of God. It begins with a physical body consummating in the reality of a spiritual paradise. This institution of ever-higher learning brings the participants

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  • Fountain of Youth: Power of the Grace of God

    The power of the grace of God can renew your youth because Jesus Christ is the fountain of youth. Throughout the pages of history, man’s thirst for the eternal fountain of youth has driven him to the limits of his existence. In his quest for eternal life man has explored every aspect of the universe from the vanishing frontiers of

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  • Fatal Deceptions: Are You Susceptible to These Popular Messages

    These are perilous times within the visual church and fatal deceptions are being sermonized behind Christian pulpits. Are you susceptible? After listing nineteen characteristics of men in the last days, Paul tells Timothy that these kind of men would, by trickery and deception, bring under control or take captive the minds of silly women. He wrote, “For of this sort

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  • Understanding Biblical Revelation: the Bible Was Written for You

    Understanding Biblical revelation can be experienced. I am a Christian, a follower and a disciple of Jesus Christ. I believe that the all-powerful, the all-knowing, and the every-where present God was and is incarnate in the man that history knows as Jesus of Nazareth. I believe that Jesus was not just a good man, a masterful teacher, and a charismatic

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  • Bad Things Good People: Mysteries of Experiencing the Good Life

    Bad things good people always brings the question, “Why do bad things happen to good people?” Suffering in a world that God loves is difficult to grasp especially to those who believe that all things are controlled by God. Man often wonders, “How could a loving God allow this calamity to occur?” Bad things good people always challenges the thinking of

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  • Living Soul: the Domain of the Human Mind

    Mysteriously, the living soul of man finds its home in the unique structure of the human mind. The infant of the human species is given at birth the ability to comprehend, but the baby initially has little or no comprehension of life. The human mind must be developed, must grow in comprehension, to become what God intended it to be.

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  • Understanding Israel: As Recognized by the Early Followers of Jesus

    Understanding Israel is ultimately revealed in the writings of the early followers of Jesus. Many, many years ago, there lived a man we have come to know as Abraham. The author of the first book of the Bible recorded an event in the life of this man that would forever shade history. According to one of his descendants, the glory

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  • Mysteries of Relationships – Coming of Christ Among Us

    The mysteries of relationships, the coming of Christ among us is the most profound mystery revealed in the Scriptures. There has always been mystery throughout the revelation of God. The earliest recorded history of God’s interaction into the physical world contains the mysterious creation of male and female. They were distinct in their individual personalities yet each existing only through

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