Foolish Illusions: the Curse of Man’s Mind
Read moreAre you living in foolish illusions (Rom. 1:21)? Every created entity comes into being when the Spirit of life quickens (enlivens) it into existence. Living life, however, is not a one time fix. God does not bestow life upon man and then walk away to see what man will do with his new found existence. Foolish illusions refuse to believe
Mysterious Free Will of Man and the Sovereign Will of God
Read moreMysterious free will of man must begin with understanding correctly that the Scriptures are clear in their proclamation that there is one source of power: God rules. One of the early followers of Jesus summarized this great truth well: O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are his judgments, and his
Experiencing the Kingdom of God through the Struggles of Life
Read moreExperiencing the kingdom of God proclaims one of the most profound truths of the mystery of life. It is the reality that the joy of living often comes through the struggles of life. Whereas this is the reality of living, most in their interaction with people desire to experience the joy of life without the actual living of life. They
Grace Treasures – True Knowledge, Correct Behavior and Proper Control
Read moreGrace treasures of true knowledge, correct behavior and proper control are rarely experienced. Most men live the days of their life seeing their dreams, their aspirations, and their life never achieving the perfection they desire. However, there is good news. With the coming of Jesus, you can receive God’s grace treasures because God gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5)
Where is Paradise? Bible Says It Is in This Life to Be Enjoyed Now
Read moreWhere is Paradise? It is not a way off out there somewhere. It can be experienced now! What does Paradise mean in the Bible? I think we can identify that place, that habitat, which is called paradise and the conditions surrounding it. The King James Version has three references to paradise: Luke 23:43, 2 Corinthians 12:2, and Revelation 2:7.
Biblical Meaning of Life Is the Expression of the Risen Jesus in You
Read moreBiblical meaning of life in God’s plan for the ages is mysterious. Biblical meaning of life has man, after his creation, partaking in what he thinks can be a grand and noble venture. Although he is experiencing life because he is experiencing God, he foolishly perceives that he can manipulate the life he is experiencing. Desiring the sensations of living through
Jesus Returns Spiritually Coming Again and Again to Restore Your Life
Read moreJesus returns spiritually to his early disciples, after his death, his resurrection, and his ascension, making it the most remarkable event in the history of the church. Jesus had been speaking to his disciples and when he had finished his instructions, “while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight” (Acts 1:9). As they
Heavenly Mansion Prepared for You to Enjoy in this Life
Read moreThere is a heavenly mansion prepared for you. It is a place that God has created for you to dwell now. Jesus told his early followers, In my Father s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place
Man Called Jesus of Nazareth Changed the World and Can Change You
Read moreThe man called Jesus can change your life! The man called Jesus of Nazareth proclaims the mystery of life. This man did what no other man has ever done. He lived his entire life in perfect submission to the Spirit of life that dwelt within him. The man called Jesus did not attempt to use life to enhance himself. He
What the Bible Really Says Concerning Hell Is All About This Life
Read moreAlthough the preaching and the teaching of hell have often been extensive in the history of the visible church, what the Bible says concerning hell is it is rarely mentioned by the early followers of Jesus. Of the twenty-three times the word hell is cited in the New Testament, Paul, the author of almost half of the New Testament, never