Daniel Bible Study: God Rules in the Kingdom of Men

Daniel Bible Study: God Rules in the Kingdom of Men

Daniel Bible Study: God Rules in the Kingdom of Men


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Daniel Bible study has as its substance the judgment of God. With the name Daniel meaning, “God is my judge,” the book of Daniel conveys how God discharges his judgment into the life of Daniel. It is a judgment that not only reflects upon Daniel but also upon the lives of those men who interact with Daniel. Ultimately, the book of Daniel discloses how God exercises his judgment into the affairs of all men.

Daniel Bible study presents the judgment of God.

Daniel Bible study presents the judgment of God.

God’s judgment is in Chapter 1, when Daniel’s wisdom and understanding was found to be ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers of the king of Babylon. It is seen in Chapter 2 when the image of the kingdoms of men is broken into pieces and consumed by the kingdom of God. In Chapter 3, the judgment of God brings Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego through the fiery furnace. Nebuchadnezzar experienced the judgment of God in learning the great truth that “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men,” as recorded in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, the judgment of God is manifested when Belshazzar went from a great feast of a thousand of his lords to the losing of his kingdom and his death in one night. The judgment of God, as seen in Chapter 6, bringing Daniel through the lion’s den without harm. In Chapters 7-11, the visions and dreams of Daniel reveal how the judgment of God will bring his kingdom into the affairs of men. Finally, Daniel is told that the judgment of God will bring about the life that is everlasting or shameful abhorrence upon all men.

The judgment of God is clearly seen in the marvelous work of God in the life of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon. The king was taught through a very humbling experience the great truth that “the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men.” After learning the humiliating lesson, Nebuchadnezzar highly adored and honored “the King of heaven, all whose works are truth, and his ways judgment” (Daniel 4:37). With the root of the word judgment meaning “to rule,” Nebuchadnezzar had learned the ways of God’s rule. He now knew that what was occurring each moment of his life was happening because God was working out his rule, his will, in his life.

The king’s fall from the recognized and honor of being king of Babylon was debasing and humiliating. The king of Babylon in the depths of his humiliation was not able to comprehend anything but the basic drives of an animal. After God brought Nebuchadnezzar through the trial, he could now proclaim, “How great are his signs! And how mighty are his wonders! His kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his dominion is from generation to generation” (Daniel 4:3). Although when he was treated as a common animal in his fall, he now proclaimed his praise for God who took him through the experience.

Daniel Bible Studies examines the foolishness of man.

Often, when evil occurs or an innocent victim suffers, questions arise about the will of God–all things are of him, through him, and to him (Rom. 11:36). Because most men have difficulty in seeing beyond a current event to the real issues of the “ways of life” (Acts 2:28), the interpretation of life is often reduced to the surface issues of health, wealth, and prosperity. To them, God becomes the great benefactor that owes man such blessings.

Most men desire God to produce the bloom of a flower without the planting of the seed. They want the glorious sunrise without the midnight. They crave the vitality of life without the reality of death. Failing to realize that it is the planting of the seed that produces the flower, the midnight that produces the sunrise, and the reality of death that validates life, they cannot believe that God is in total control of all things that transpires in the created world. Daniel Bible study reveals that God rules in the kingdom of men.

Daniel Bible study speaks to real essence of life.

The crux of the life and times of Daniel centers on the initial dream of the king of Babylon. In the interpretation of the great image seen in the dream, Daniel reveals the crucial moment for the history of man. It is to this moment, the final chapter of the essence of life, the entire book of Daniel speaks.

The magnificence image in the dream, a head of gold, breast and arms of silver, belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet part of iron and part of clay, is destroyed. The image crashes to the ground and the broken pieces become the useless rubble of corruption. Crafted in glory but now vanished in shame, the great image is no more.

A single stone brought the image to its end. The stone, which human hands could not mode, was both the slayer and the creator. It closed out the old world order and at the same time brought into being a new domain. It would be a realm which would know no end. Every generation in every century could now experience that which was meant to be. Concerning this moment of new beginning, Jesus simply said, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand . . .” (Mk. 1:15).

The King of Babylon chose to provide Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego with the finest Babylon education. It centered in learning the occult, idolatry, and the ways of a society known for its extreme perversions. Despite their indoctrination and captivity in a perverted world, this little community of believers stood as shining stars in the darkness. They continued to see and hear the only true God.  When you are surrounded by darkness and it appears that evil is winning, the book of Daniel will show you how to trust the true and living God who is in control. The book of Daniel reveals how God rules in the kingdom of men.


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